Proceedings Volume 162: Number 1

March 2018
Franz Boas's Legacy of "Useful Knowledge": The APS Archives and the Future of Americanist Anthropology
Regna Darnell
From the Symposium
Indo-Europeanization of Europe
29 April 2017
The Indo-Europeanization of Europe: An Introduction to the Issues
Brian D. Joseph
New Perspectives on Indo-European Phylogeny and Chronology
Andrew Garrett
Ancient DNA Suggests Steppe Migrations Spread Indo-European Languages
David Reich
Broken Chains of Custody: Possessing, Dispossessing, and Repossessing Lost Wampum Belts
Margaret M. Bruchac
Biographical Memoirs
Bernard M. W. Knox
Pat Easterling
Walter Burkert
Thomas Alexander Szlezák and M. Laura Gemelli