The Mendel Newsletter, No. 16

No. 16, December 2007
American Philosophical Society

In this issue:

"Arno Motulsky Papers at the American Philosophical Society"
Charles Greifenstein
American Philosophical Society

"Discovery of the Correspondence of Hugo de Vries with His Friend and Colleague Jan Willem Moll"
Ida H. Stamhuis
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

"Archie Carr and Biology in the Twentieth Century: Insights from the Archie F. Carr, Jr. Papers"
Frederick Rowe Davis
Florida State University

"Trials and Registers: The Archives of the Svaloef Weibull and Vilmorin Companies"
Staffan Müller-Wille
University of Exeter

Christophe Bonneuil
Centre Koyré d’Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques 

"New on 'Profiles in Science': The Rosalind Franklin Papers"
