Proceedings Journal Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should not exceed ten thousand words, excluding notes, tables, and figures. The notes, in total, should not exceed five thousand words.
We do not publish book reviews.
• Submit your article as an MS Word document, double spaced, 12-point type.
• Do not embed art files in the Word document; send them as separate files.
• Include an abstract (200 words) and 5–7 keywords with your submission.
• Provide a cover letter with your name (as it would appear in print), title, department, and institutional affiliation, if applicable.
Evaluation: All manuscripts independently submitted to Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society are first reviewed by the editor; if appropriate, they are subject to two double-blind peer reviews. Readers’ reports are advisory; the editor is the final arbiter.
Decision: On completion of peer review—normally within four months—the editor notifies the author regarding the disposition of the manuscript. A manuscript may be (1) accepted; (2) rejected; (3) rejected with option to revise and resubmit. An author in doubt about the nature or terms of the decision should seek prompt clarification.
Revision and resubmission: Manuscripts that undergo revise and resubmit are normally submitted to the original referees. The resubmission deadline is up to the discretion of the author. As a rule, in such cases, a final decision is rendered in the second round.
Acceptance and revision: When a manuscript is accepted, the managing editor projects a provisional date of publication.
Manuscripts will be copy edited three to six months before the publication date. Authors receive the copy-edited manuscript and at that time have an opportunity to make revisions.
Authors should submit the final manuscript electronically as an email attachment in Word to the managing editor, not to the general Proceedings email.
The next time the author sees the essay, it will be in the proof stage. Authors should abstain from making substantive changes in page proofs, which they are also asked to read. Only typos and factual errors may be corrected on the pdf proof in Adobe Acrobat.
Formatting: Because the journal crosses disciplines, we accept APA, 7th edition, Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, and other style guides cleared through the managing editor. Essays must have internal consistency, however.
Copyright: Contributor agreements, establishing the author’s and publisher’s respective rights in published articles, are sent to authors at the time of acceptance. An article cannot proceed to publication without a signed contributor agreement on file.
Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining and paying for permission to reproduce all illustrations in the article in both print and electronic formats. Authors are required to send original artwork and copies of permission forms before the manuscript goes into production. Digital images should be of print quality, at least 300 dpi (at least 600 in order to use a detail of an image), in JPG, TIF, or EPS formats.
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