April 2018

Linda Greenhouse, Gary Nash, Tod Williams, Billie Tsien, Jack Rakove, Teresa Bejan, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, James Fishkin, Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Zephyr Teachout, Patrick Spero, Regna Darnell, Anton Treuer, Isaiah Lorado Wilner, Stanley Plotkin, William Schopf

Meetings of the American Philosophical Society are held each April and November for elected Members, their families, and distinguished guests. Most sessions are available to watch via web streaming. 

Program—April 2018
275th Anniversary Meeting Program

April 26–28, 2018
Benjamin Franklin Hall, 427 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA


Thursday Afternoon, April 26, 2018
1:15 p.m.

Induction of New Members*

Linda Greenhouse
President, in the Chair

Dinner with Ben Franklin: The Origins of the American Philosophical Society
Linda Greenhouse
Joseph Goldstein Lecturer in Law
Yale University
Thirty-Seventh President, American Philosophical Society

When We Were Young: The American Philosophical Society's First Half-Century
Gary Nash
Distinguished Research Professor
Department of History
University of California, Los Angeles


Legacy and Authenticity: The Barnes Foundation
Tod Williams and Billie Tsien
Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects/Partners

Cocktail Reception
Benjamin Franklin Hall
6:00–7:00 p.m.

Dinner on One's Own

*New Members are inducted at the beginning of each Meeting session

Friday Morning, April 27, 2018
9:15 a.m.

Elizabeth Cropper
Vice President, in the Chair

Democracy Today: Ancient Lessons, Modern Challenges

Jack N. Rakove, Moderator
Coe Professor of History and American Studies
Professor of Political Science
Stanford Univeristy

Two Concepts of Freedom (of Speech)
Teresa M. Bejan
Associate Professor of Political Theory
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford

How Russian Hackers and Trolls Exploited U.S. Media in 2016
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Elizabeth Ware Packard Professor of Communication
Director, Annenberg Public Policy Center
University of Pennsylvania

Democracy When the People Are Thinking
James Fishkin
Janet M. Peck Chair in International Communication
Director, Center for Deliberate Democracy
Stanford University


The Injury of Gerrymandering
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Professor of Law
Marjorie Fried Research Scholar
The University of Chicago Law School

Market Structure and Liberal Democracy
Zephyr R. Teachout
Associate Professor of Law
Fordham Law School

Symposium Panel Discussion 


Friday Afternoon, April 27, 2018
1:15 p.m.

Warren M. Washington
Vice President, in the Chair

Presentation of Society Awards and Prizes

275th Anniversary Concert

Music as Praise and Protest
David Ludwig
Gie and Lisa Liem Artistic Advisor to the President
Chair of Composition Studies
Director, Curtis 20/21 Ensemble
The Curtis Institute of Music


Mikael Eliasen
Hirsig Family Chair of Vocal Studies
Artistic Director, Curtis Opera Theatre
The Curtis Institute of Music

Accompanied by Faculty and Students
The Curtis Institute of Music

Benjamin Franklin Hall

Members' Business Meeting
Philosophical Hall
104 South Fifth Street
4:30 p.m.

Friday Evening, April 27, 2018

Cocktails and Light Supper

The Palates of Messrs. Franklin and Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin Hall
6:30–8:30 p.m.

Saturday Morning, April 28, 2018
9:15 a.m.

Rowena Matthews
Vice President, in the Chair

Center for Native American and Indigenous Research: A Jefferson Legacy

Conversation Framed 
Patrick Spero
Librarian, American Philosophical Society
Regna Darnell
Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology
Founding Director, First Nations Studies Program
The University of Western Ontario

Indigenous Voice: Language and Identity in America's Native Nations
Anton Treuer
Professor of Ojibwe
Bemidji State University

Body Knowledge: Indigeneity, Anthropology, and the Mythologies of Modernity
Isaiah Lorado Wilner
Postdoctoral Fellow
Berlin Center for the History of Knowledge 
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science


The Future of Vaccine Development
Stanley A. Plotkin
Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics
University of Pennsylvania

Pioneering APS Paleontologists Jefferson, Darwin, and Walcott: The Known History of Life, Then and Now
J. William Schopf
Distinguished Professor
Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
Director, Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life
University of California, Los Angeles
